Conservation WIthout Conflict?

Conflict and fisheries go together like fish and chips…However, it was the lack of conflict that surprised me when I began to research the creation of the largest no take zone in the UK. The River Medway Nursery Area no take zone (NTZ) is situated on the north coast of Kent on the River Medway which flows into the lower Thames Estuary. Continue reading Conservation WIthout Conflict?

The Guardian at Conception

I just came across a Guardian article on gastrulation in a human embryo, 16 – 17 days after fertilization whereby the ‘primitive’ body plan of the organism is established. The article covers many things but what I would like to draw out is the embryos unbreakable link with ‘science, modernity and progress’. The main issue arises from scientists calling to overhaul the 14 day limit on … Continue reading The Guardian at Conception

Conceiving Humans: Making Babies and Babies Making in Europe and America

This essay will analyse medical anthropology texts in addition to theories form material culture to examine how an embryo exists as more than just a ‘potential’ human but an acting one. Basing the study in Euro-American societies I hope this will offer a more striking example of how the dominant bio-genetic discourse is not the accepted norm and the creation of humans is far more complex. How they represent, have multiple ontologies and importantly have agency upon the world around them. I pose the question how are humans conceived not just biologically but socially, politically and culturally and how they may conceive those conceiving. Continue reading Conceiving Humans: Making Babies and Babies Making in Europe and America

Inevitable Infrastructures of Work for Asylum Seekers

case study of infrastructures and the bodily experiences they can create, otherwise known as affect. Particularly focusing on asylum seekers I hope to expose how the infrastructure created by the Home Office and private organisations such as G4S and Serco that run ‘immigration removal centres’ or better known as detention centres can force individuals into different types of work that lead to different experiences of affect. Continue reading Inevitable Infrastructures of Work for Asylum Seekers